The Importance of Data Management

The Importance of Data Management

Data management is the process which involves ingesting and analyzing data to make strategic decisions. It is essential for every enterprise to have a well-planned data management plan in place, especially given that new technologies like hybrid cloud and artificial intelligence continue to accelerate an exponential growth in data.

Garbage in, garbage out. This was the original guideline of data managers when they worked to solve the issue of inaccurate or insufficient data feeding the earliest computer systems and resulted in poor decisions, operational inefficiencies and other issues. This same approach is applicable to businesses trying to boost their efficiency, revenue and customer experience through the use of data-driven insights.

To make data actionable, organizations must find the right balance between speed and scale in their data environments. As the amount of data grows, the need to reduce processing times for data and prevent performance bottlenecks becomes increasingly critical.

There’s an increasing number of SaaS, iPaaS and cloud-based tools that make it simpler than ever to collect store, manage and integrate your company’s data. To establish a successful strategy for data, you must first determine your business goals. Clear goals will help you establish processes, governance, tools, and more. This will also ensure you’re only capturing and keeping data that’s relevant to your decision-making needs. It will ultimately prevent your data-related environment from becoming crowded and difficult to manage. It will keep your team focused on the most relevant questions that can be answered with your data, and stop the need for unnecessary searches.