Top 3 Online Security Tips

Top 3 Online Security Tips

Online security is the set of rules, procedures and actions you can use to protect yourself surfing the internet. It includes everything from firewalls, antivirus software and malware protection to encryption, passwords security services, and so on. Cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated. It is essential to follow best practices for online safety.

1. Beware of fake websites and apps.

Hackers create copycat websites and apps to convince people to share their personal details. Double-check the URL of the site and look for the padlock icon. Make sure that you only download apps from reliable sources. Avoid downloading apps from unknown sources, as they could be contaminated with viruses or malware which could harm your device.

2. Think about using two-factor authentication.

It can be a bit frustrating to enter a code every time you log in. However it can be a way to stop hackers from getting access to your account. This feature is offered by a number of companies and social media platforms to protect their customers. It’s a good idea apply it to all of your accounts, especially those with financial information.

3. Don’t give away too much.

You could be in danger in the event that you share too much information on social media. It’s easy to get caught by the excitement of posting, but think twice before putting any personal information on the internet. Even deleted screenshots or posts could be used maliciously. Be cautious when using public wifi as it’s not as secure as home or business connections.

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