Board of Directors Vs Advisory Board

Board of Directors Vs Advisory Board

It is common for people to be confused about the difference between a advisory board and a board of directors especially if they’re unfamiliar with the distinction. The confusion can stem from the usage of common terms (referring to both as “the board”), the lack of a clear and documented explanation of the function of the advisory committee within the company’s bylaws and a different degree of fiduciary obligation.

A board of directors is the governing body for an organisation. It has the power to make major decisions such as the replacement of the CEO or changes in the executive management. They also have the power to make management accountable for their actions. Board members have obligations of fiduciary responsibility to the company and can be legally accountable for their actions if they do not meet this standard.

Advisory boards offer advice to the company and its leaders. They may be able to recommend specific changes or initiatives, but ultimately it’s the business’s decision to decide whether or not to follow the advice of an advisory board.

Typically an advisory panel will consist of experienced third parties who bring with them a wealth of knowledge and industry connections. Those in the advisory role can help the business stay on top of trends and make suggestions that assist the company expand. This can be as simple as improving customer service based on recent buying behavior or as complex as creating the new strategy to support global growth.